Ysgol Eirias unveils £40,000 outdoor learning space for pupils with ALN
CHILDREN with additional learning needs are thriving thanks to innovative methods and investment at a top secondary school. Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay has redeveloped its curriculum and facilities for ALN pupils, including the construction of a new accessible outdoor learning space and ‘garden classroom’. The school secured grants of £40,000 via a £20m Welsh…
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Surge in extra-curricular sports at Ysgol Eirias could lead to fall in absenteeism
A SECONDARY school has experienced a surge in pupils taking part in extra-curricular sport. Learners at Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay have engaged with football, rugby, basketball, dodgeball, badminton, hockey, volleyball, netball, and gymnastics sessions more than 5,000 times since September. Cooking and Health and Wellbeing activities have also proven popular, ensuring learners pick up…
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Number 4 high school in Wales attracting sixth formers ahead of ‘opportunities event’
A SECONDARY school ranked in the top five in Wales is attracting students from across the region to its award-winning sixth form. Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay is preparing for an ‘Opportunities Evening Event’ that will showcase its post-16 offering and academic support. The school – listed fourth in Wales in the Sunday Times Parent Power league table earlier this month – will hold the…
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Ysgol Eirias continues conservation work by planting thousands of flowers
A SECONDARY school promoting conservation in its community planted thousands of flowers and plants as part of a sustainability project. Following their incredible efforts in collecting more than 12,000 pieces of litter from beaches and parks during the summer, pupils from Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay seeded more than 6,000 bulbs and 20 trees on…
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New headteacher unveils vision following 25 years at Ysgol Eirias
A NEW headteacher celebrating 25 years with a leading North Wales school is focused on building its reputation for inclusivity, pastoral care, and academic excellence. Zoe Evans took up the role at Ysgol Eirias this academic term and has her sights set on raising the bar even higher for pupils, staff, and their coastal community….
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Pupils collect more than 12,000 items of rubbish and debris during beach clean up
CHILDREN have been praised for collecting more than 12,000 pieces of litter from beaches and parks near their school. As part of their Welsh Baccalaureate studies, groups of Year 10 and Year 11 pupils from Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay organised two Community Environmental Impact Days. Led by Head of PE Neil Wilkinson and his…
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Ysgol Eirias among most proactive in country for inclusion and diversity
A COLWYN BAY school is one of the most proactive in Wales for inclusion and diversity. Ysgol Eirias has implemented plans and held educational sessions and workshops throughout the academic year, focused on engaging pupils, working closely with community organisations and stakeholders, and communicating positively with parents and carers on a wide range of issues….
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Ysgol Eirias DofE figures surge in tandem with record-breaking year for the organisation
THE number of children signing up to the Duke Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award at a leading school has risen in tandem with national figures. Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay has enjoyed a surge in pupils beginning the youth scheme over the last 12 months, with more than 100 taking on the Bronze and Silver categories. Teacher…
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Ysgol Eirias unveils new strategy to smooth transition for primary learners
SMOOTHING the transition from primary to secondary school is more vital than ever given the pressures faced by learners post-pandemic. Which is why Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay unveiled a new strategy in partnership with local Headteachers to ensure the wellbeing of young pupils is paramount as they make the pivotal switch from Year 6…
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Ysgol Eirias unveils new programmes to support health of pupils post-pandemic
ONE of the top 10 high-performing schools in Wales unveiled a series of programmes designed to support the physical and mental health of pupils following the unprecedented challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic. For the majority of children, 2022/23 is the first ‘normal’ academic year they have had since 2019. At Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay,…
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