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Company Registration No: 10813458

Credent celebrates 30th anniversary with new HQ and staff after trebling client base

AN insurance broker is celebrating its 30th anniversary with continued growth and investment. Credent Commercial Insurance experienced a post-pandemic boom which included a rise in turnover, recruitment and the opening of new headquarters in St Asaph. Managing Director Niel Jones, from Hawarden, says the company has expanded its client base in the UK. Formerly head of…

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Have you MET? We are proud to be part of new access to experts membership site

PROMINENT names in sales, marketing and communications have joined forces to launch a new online membership that offers small businesses access to expert training and advice. My Expert Team (MET) launches today (Weds), a virtual platform focused on supporting SMEs and small businesses in North Wales and the North West. Founded by Dawn Roberts, Managing…

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Laura sets table for expansion after helping clients thrive post-pandemic

A LEADING hospitality consultant and mentor who served up success for businesses in the pandemic has set the table for expansion. Following more than 15 years in the sector, Laura Anne Harvey launched her company – Laura Anne Hospitality Consultant Ltd – full time in the autumn. She got off to a flying start, garnering…

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