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Work can begin on North Wales Growth Deal projects after first round of funding received this week

WORK will begin on the landmark Growth Vision for North Wales after the first round of funding from the Welsh and UK Governments was received. North Wales Economic Ambition Board can now move forward in laying foundations for the programmes that make up the North Wales Growth Deal, covering agri-food and tourism, energy, land and…

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North Wales Growth Deal moves a step closer after green light from NWEAB

THE transformational North Wales Growth Deal that will create thousands of jobs and boost the economy for generations to come is one step closer. North Wales Economic Ambition Board (NWEAB) met last week and gave its support to move forward with the five programmes that make up the Deal, underpinned by £240million investment from both…

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This is the team to lead the exciting North Wales Vision for economic growth

THIS is the team driving the North Wales Vision to boost the economy and create thousands of jobs that will transform the region for generations to come. Led by director Alwen Williams, the North Wales Economic Ambition Board Programme Office will spearhead development of the seven programmes forming the £1bn North Wales Growth Deal. Based…

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Heads of Terms signed for £1billion North Wales Growth Deal

THE £1BILLION North Wales Growth Deal has reached a landmark milestone Representatives from North Wales Economic Ambition Board joined the Welsh and UK Governments to sign Heads of Terms and agree the seven programmes that will form the Deal from 2020 onwards. The Heads of Terms commits the two Governments to investing £240m into programmes…

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